Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Keeping a Dream Journal

The first basic thing to do in order to achieve lucid dreaming is to keep a dream journal. It's VERY important that you be able to recall your dreams. You dream every single night whether you realize it or not. Your journal can be on your computer, notebook or diary or whatever you want.

Keep the journal near you when you sleep. As soon as you wake up, write down anything you remember from your dream. Im sure your asking yourself why you need to be able to remember your dreams. Well, you need to remember them so that you can look back through them and see if you can notice and patterns or anything within your dreams. When you start having your first lucids, it will be important to be able to remember what made you realize you were dreaming. The very first lucid dream i had was when during a dream, i was reading a book and then all of a sudden the book was floating through the air. This made me realize i was dreaming.

Waking up and writing your dreams down can also be one of the steps to do with the Wake Initiated Lucid Dream(WILD) technique. I will explain my way of doing the WILD technique in a later post. If your new to lucid dreaming, your not ready for that anyway. Right now you should focus on expanding your dream memory using your journal.